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This Voisin LA-5, acquired through an exchange, arrived at the Museum in a sorry state and unfortunately incomplete being devoid of its wings and tail. Its history is not well known. It appears to have served as training material at the military aviation school of Ambérieu. This would go some way to explaining its lack of registration, certain anachronisms and some revealing inscriptions. However, the extreme rarity of this aircraft made us decide to start restoration in 2014. The work was planned in a series of sub-assemblies: the front and rear axles have just been completed in 2020, the fuselage should be finished in 2021, then the 150hp Salmson P9 engine which appears to be in a good state of conservation, will be restored.

Follow the progress of the work on Facebook “Brussels Air Museum Voisin LA restoration“.


Renard R-31

Fairchild C-119